Friday, March 31, 2017

Re-Booking The Feud

I should precede this by saying I’ve always been more of a Marvel Comics guy. Emphasis on ‘Comics.’ The stories of Marvel comics are usually more connected to their superhero origins. There’s a bit more Fun n’ Fancy Free which suits my style a bit more. However, there’s always been a soft spot present for DC because of the characters they have crafted and the worlds they inhabit. I think they all have so much depth. There doesn’t seem to be any end to the stories you could tell. So putting the two greatest heroes of all time on the same screen seems like a no-brainer.

Dawn of Justice was…not a good movie. It was an entertaining movie in spots. It was a LOUD movie throughout. But it was not a good movie.

Many factors contributed to this unfortunate turn of events. For one, Zack Snyder isn’t the best storyteller. That doesn’t mean he’s not good. He just isn’t good at directing. His true talent to me has always been in the producer’s chair and never in the director’s chair. As a producer, the way he frames shots, especially in terms of action is incredible. So, it’s no surprise that this was an incredible movie to see, visually.

Like most of you (or some of you, I can’t assume) I have been following these stories for much of my life and as silly as it may seem to an outsider – or movie producer – there are very real emotions associated with and summoned by these otherwise fictional characters. It’s an investment. As such, I can’t let the screenwriters off the hook, here. David S. Goyer and Chris Terrio wrote a decent story, but when it came time to fill in the blanks with a good screenplay, the struggles were apparent. Writing isn’t easy, and it’s easy to tell when someone hasn’t connected with the source material.
So, what brings us here?

Of the many things my mom taught me - and there were many – the one I found the most valuable was the art of being proactive. “If you don’t like something, think about what you can do to improve the situation. It doesn’t make sense to do nothing.” I paraphrase but just know for the record my mother didn’t suffer complainers lightly in her household.

That’s why, just a month removed from seeing the movie in theaters, news of the Ultimate Edition on the horizon, my proclamation of rewriting the movie to my friend and co-worker was met with the predictable delayed wutface.

What do you mean you’re going to rewrite the whole movie?

I mean I’m going to rewrite the whole goddamn movie. More accurately write the movie I’d thought I might see. Because you see when I pay for my ticket stub and it says…

I expect to have an action-packed, drama-filled, SOOPER LOUD thrill ride of a movie that possibly has Supes and Bats fighting but ends with them as bros AND with the rest of the Justice League standing tall atop a sun-crested hill.

The DAWN of Justice

Instead…  Superman is dead, Batman runs off to find Barry and Wonder Woman runs off…somewhere?

The DUSK of Justice.

The name of that file before I downloaded it was actually – no bullshit: Batman and Wonder Woman Stand Over Lois Cradling Superman’s Corpse. Dead bodies are full of hope, right? Death is a good allegory for Dawn, yes? It’s like playing through a Castlevania and you finally beat it but you took too long so you get the Bad Ending.

Damn, he's not gonna be in JL Pt. 1
Where the hell is everyone going? We’ve gotta do some shit! Oh, what’s that? Clark is alive actually? Well, good thing we didn’t just sit through two-and-a-half hours of movie or this might have been a complete waste of time!


Back to near present day: I explain to my friend that my vision for this story is to have it focus mostly on Bruce and Diana as they meet during their separate spying of LexCorp and work together to find the other members of the not-yet-named JL before Lex Luthor does. This is for a few reasons. Well more than a few but, in order first.

~One of the good points of the movie for me was the (far too) brief cat-and-mouse game Bruce and Diana found themselves in during the first act. Bruce was caught between being equally attracted to and unnerved by this woman who seemed to always be a step ahead. She gave an air of knowing something he didn’t which got under his skin since he is so used to being the smartest person in any given room. Diana on the other hand was intrigued by this wolf in sheep’s clothing who obviously didn’t belong with this group of people and looked so ready to rip the head off the first person to give him reason. I wanted to explore their back and forth while also giving more of a Leading Lady type role to Diana as opposed to Snyder’s Hot Lady Stares At Dagger role.

~If Batman is in the movie, I feel like it should always be more about him. A lot of DCEU stories – animated or otherwise – already do this. Batman is practically the only human hero in this whole Universe. It’s far easier for us to relate to his perspective in any one arc because none of us have x-ray vision or super speed and neither does he. We feel a sort of emotion and anxiety for him that we don’t for others because, unless someone zaps Kal with that funky green rock, he’ll probably be okay. Bruce, on the other hand, could get squashed at any point. Which reminds me…

~Writing Superman is HARD. Writing him well is harder because of every reason I’ve stated above. Now, I’ve read GREAT Superman stories. I’ve read great Batman stories that had Superman in them. Superman is a great character and has so much rich history behind him. But the nature of his character is tough to navigate if you don’t have it mapped. He’s simply too powerful. It’s not his fault. He’s Born Like This.

Wonder why Hulk and Thor weren’t involved in Captain America: Civil War? Because suspension of disbelief, even in a comic book movie, can only get you so far before you stand in your chair and ask, “Why doesn’t Hulk Smash EVERYTHING?” Why indeed. If you’ve read the comic version of Civil War, you know: it was a race to find the Hulk. Like picking the tall kid for basketball, or the fast one for kickball. If Hulk is on your team you win the Superhero Contest! Simple as that. He’s The Strongest There Is. Just like Kal-El. We know Clark is really a good guy. Probably a God-fearing guy, given his childhood on a Kansas farm. But it’s hard at times to feel bad for the guy who could probably delete your planet. Or resolve the plot in 2 minutes or less. Again, storytelling.

~I am a longtime fan of professional wrestling. It’s an interesting niche to be involved with because as a form of entertainment, it’s like everything else, but there is nothing else like it. On top of the amazing displays of literal death-defying athleticism that I no doubt respect and enjoy, the true enjoyment for me comes from the storylines and characters that are crafted in this pseudo-athletic world of pantomime competition. A very pretty way of saying: wrestling is fake. Just like Dawn of Justice is fake. This is no secret but watching wrestling for so long has me looking at other forms of prose and fiction to see how I would “book” similar conflicts that run parallel in the other story. In the story of Batman v Superman, this match would not be happening on my watch. Not yet.

Can you fucking imagine if Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant instead of having their Sport-Defining Most Important Match of All Time at WrestleMania III in front of 100,000 people had it on Main Event in front of 15,000? Vinny Mac wouldn’t be the magnate he is now. This is practically the first film of DC’s next phase. It’s like a basketball team that gets down by ten points and then tries to make it all back on one play instead of getting a stop then a score then a stop then a score… Guys. Patience! I want Bruce to beat the shit out this guy, too. But let’s maybe get the gang together first before we blow our wad through 50 years of combined history here. Who gives a shit what Marvel is doing [making another Ant-Man movie!] you have a great catalogue and unlimited resources! Take the time to make it right.

Easier said than done, I know. The idea is to pull the most profit right now and given that they started behind the blocks WB isn’t exactly in a waiting mood. This isn’t an easy job. BUT! When I am in the theater watching DoJ and the Big Blue Boy Scout is on the screen my preceding thought shouldn’t be, Oh, just die already! I should cheer for him! I should want him to win! I should want all of them to win! Hence, the DAWN of- Nope. I’ve made that point already. I’ll tell you what I’ll do.

As the summary suggested, this will be a canon divergence of sorts but it will be canon compliant. To a point. I’ve always believed in doing the best with what you’ve got, so as much as I would love to dig around for countless hours in the endless meta and rogues’ gallery of both Batman and Superman I’ll be sticking to the canon presented or influenced by the movie itself. Which means, sadly, my favorite and yours Dick Grayson will not be making an appearance. There will be other winks and nods peppered throughout and maybe even some cameos as I see fit. This is a work of fiction. I am not pulling profit from it and even if I was, Zack Snyder doesn’t sign my checks.

The story will involve a different version of a still angry Bruce Wayne who makes a different decision after the Capitol Hill Bombing. Instead of vowing revenge on Superman, he works to discover who is responsible for the attack while Wonder Woman helps him track down the Metahumans on LexCorp’s watchlist. It will still be an action movie but with much more emphasis on Bruce as the World’s Greatest Detective which is an important part of the character. Because isn’t he a bit too smart to be jerked around by a low rent Heath Ledger costume?

This will also be a Mature fic. You would think that after the smashing success of Deadpool that studios would have ditched the myth that PG-13 ratings equaled the most ticket sales. If there ever was a DC movie to get the R that wasn’t Suicide Squad, it had to be this one. Obviously they had no problem killing scores of people, but the thematic elements weren’t there. That, and Bruce should be cussing waaaay more in this (I will happily acquiesce). Because realistically, Kal-El has already saved the entire world from certain doom whereas Batman has been beating up gang members and thugs in the gutter of Gotham for two decades. An endless slog with no end in sight. How bitter and jaded would you be of such an existence? So if your Bats isn’t the kind that doesn’t care what happens to Thug No. 2 as he flies out the 3rd story window hop off now.

Arthur, Vic and Barry will all be in this, obviously. My plans for Flash are what you’d expect, but the other two are examples of where some divergence might take place from a characterization standpoint.

I’m a big fan of Jason Mamoa as Aquaman. I think he’s got a great look and it’s a good way to legitimize a character that, unfairly or otherwise, has been the butt of so many jokes. Not only that, but Aquaman has always been a hero – like Wonder Woman – who I’ve always felt (forgive me here) was a bit too Caucasian. Remember the animated movie Atlantis: The Lost Empire? It isn’t by accident that the only Caucasian people in that movie are from the surface world. With that being said, I know DC’s Cinematic style and I can see from the first Justice League trailer that this Arthur is going to be big and growly. That’s fine, because Mamoa is big and growly, too, but the Aquaman I know best does stuff like this.

Yes, that is Aquaman riding a silverfish. And if your first thought was, “Hi-yo Silverfish!” get yourself a cookie because that was the exact line from the show. I may have stopped laughing in time to see the end of the episode. I won’t make him do something as ridiculous but I’ll do my best to make him an affable fish man with a fiery temper.

Cyborg is another case altogether. The original Teen Titans animated series was never underrated at any juncture from what I remember, but I do very much remember – even as a teen myself watching – that the show was much darker than was given credit for. Nevermind the Slade/Robin “I own you” storyline: there were serval episodes dealing with identity issues and finding purpose. It makes sense because they’re teenagers but especially in Vic’s case because other than Beast Boy (it’s not easy being green) he can’t hide who he is.

It’s implied that he’s come to terms with the fact that he will never be fully human, but it’s never really that easy. In the episode where he goes undercover as the villain STONE, he looks at the projected image of himself in his old body and wonders what life would be like if he had only ever been Victor. Would he still be in school? Would he still be playing football? Would his mother still be alive? Victor Stone’s story is a tragic one, really. Even his origin is one that has subversive themes of dehumanization and overt body horror that a Mad Max dream sequence just couldn’t do justice. I believe the best way to go about writing Vic is with a simmering aggression. He’s accepting of his situation and doesn’t like it, but he’s learning to appreciate being alive with every experience he has.

While on the topic, Gal Gadot is perfect for this role. I had her in mind as I wrote for Wonder Woman which is incredibly fun, for the record. I feel the same way about Ben Affleck. His portrayal of Batman was the best I’ve seen on screen. The same goes for Jeremy Irons as Alfred. Exceptional casting in both cases. Without their performances, I would have likely walked out of the theater that night.

Something else that bugged me about the movie: how little dialogue was spent pondering the murky grays of Batman, Superman and vigilantism in general. It’s clear no one really cares for Batman but Superman flies into a conflict zone, kills the shit out of some insurgents and flies back home with his girlfriend like nothing happened. People freak out for a bit, but then everything’s cool again until the Senate Hearing is bombed. I plan to explore this theme early and often because like Assassin’s Creed I feel like sometimes these stories tend to portray the protagonists too much like The Good Guys - in particular Bruce Wayne. And he is a Good Guy, technically, but he is also famous for using very aggressive and ethically challenged manors of achieving his goals. That, and I don’t plan to shy away from Bruce’s almost-certainly-untreated PTSD, nor the fact that underneath his charm he is at times a very unstable man capable of extreme acts of violence. Per the movie.

I’ve gone back and forth on whether to do it all as an actual screenplay or write it as prose and I chose the latter option just because it’s what I know best. I’m comfortable with it and it will help me paint the picture better. Show don’t tell, etc. etc.

Another order of business: DC – unlike Marvel – bases most of their story arcs in fictional places, separate from or alongside real cities. Although it isn’t always made clear which city is where geographically, the consensus is that most of them are on the East Coast or in the Midwest. As such, I’ve taken some creative liberties so that our story won’t only take place in cold and/or grey places. Ah, the power of fiction.

GOTHAM/METROPOLIS – As presented in the movie, Gotham City is in New Jersey and Metropolis is its New York counterpart across the water.

CENTRAL CITY – Ordinarily is depicted as part of Kansas City, Missouri’s Metro area. For the purposes of this story, it will be at or around the real-life location of Flagstaff, Arizona; due West of the Hopi Reservation.

JUMP CITY – Hometown of the Teen Titans in the animated series. Titans Tower is perched on a seaside cliff where it never rains, so in honor of one of my best friends who relocated and beta’d my early drafts, Jump City is our Orange County/SoCal stand-in. (Right up the road from Los Santos.)

STAR CITY – Again, depicted as sorta East Coast and vaguely Midwest. For Barry’s sake, we’re sticking to the Left Coast. Pacific Northwest to be exact.

THEMYSCIRA – Legend puts the Home of the Amazons on the banks of the Thermodon River. Themyscira was an ancient Greek town near the mouth of this river which is now known as the Terme in modern-day Turkey. In DC Land, Themyscira is an island so that island will be somewhere due North in the Black Sea.

This is part of a process for me. Things are going okay for me right now, but I know I’m not as happy as I should be. My personal life has stagnated while my professional life has plateaued. I’ve got many friends I’d like to spend time with but simply can’t because of time, distance, obligations, etc and I’m afraid they think I’ve forgotten them. In truth, all I forgot was how important writing was to me.

It always helped center me, when my thoughts and emotions began to spiral but I didn’t write anything for the longest time because of the feeling of futility that overcame me. Like I let everyone down. Hopefully, by writing this story and following through on my plan to challenge myself creatively I can find a bit of energy by writing of the exploits of these madmen while sprinkling in some of my own madness.

Thank you for your time. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy your stay. And if you ever decide to leave, I thank you for coming in the first place. Ladies and Gentlemen this is…


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