Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lunchbox: signing in

Picture unrelated
I really hate writing intros like this.

I stopped writing directly about myself the last time I had one of those beginning-of-English-class “tell us about yourself” assignments. Remember those? You would sit there and glare out the window as pretentious asshole after pretentious asshole would step up in front of the class and tell us about all the pets they have and their trip to California over the summer (you know, that awesome vacation you didn’t get to take). Then you’d have to suppress gags and the urge to run out of the room screaming hysterically to find someplace, any place, where you could disembowel yourself and bleed to death in a corner peacefully. If you could keep the nausea down long enough, you might even steal a glance across the room only to see everyone staring - smiling, even - intently at the speaker as they sat straight up in their chairs. “They actually enjoy this crap?” So you’d slouch lower into your chair and wait. An hour later, the bell would ring just in time for chemistry class. What fun.

Needless to say, you won’t be hearing much about me from me. That’s what Facebook is for. However, I will say that I’m at a point where I am trying to get myself back on track. Take that however you like. For instance, I’m trying to become a more positive person. But as I look back on what I’ve just written here I can see that I’ve already flubbed that. Oh well.

One of the greatest things I’ve learned so far in my journey to somewhere is that you should never waste your time listening to or being around anyone for too long if you’re getting nothing of value from it. I try to do the same for those who find themselves reading what I write. I’ll do my best to continue that here, and that’s my personal promise to you.

If you like short stories and other works of fiction, KD’s your guy. I’ll pop out a story every now-and-then, but I prefer writing commentary. I was once a creative child who wrote for fun. Then I went to public school. Now I see writing like many people see hard liquor: some of us like to partake in it, sometimes it might even make us feel sophisticated, but deep down we know it tastes like crap.

One last thing: I once had an English teacher in middle school whose sole wish for humanity lay in her dream for me to become the next big Christian author. God sure does work in mysterious ways.

Happy reading,

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